A Kingwood vitrine attributed to Maison G. Grimard, a well known French Ebenistes de art in the 19th century. The Ormolu mounted cabinet and frame are mounted with acanthus leaves and ornate floral motifs with cabriole legs. Circa 1890, France.
Reference Christies sale. OPULENCE 19th century furniture and works of Art King St., London, 29th November 2016 page 149 lot 230 for similar bronze mounts and design of GRIMARD
80" Wide x 22.5" Deep x 93" High
The table is all hand-painted in a traditional Turkish style with antique woven fabric attached to the top of this table that shows the Turkish tughra emblem. The fabric is circa 1750 and the table circa 1860, Ottoman Turkey. Good color and in great condition.
The ottoman Tughra is a Calligraphic emblem of the sultans authority that was included in all official documents, such as Firmans (Royal decrees), and endowment, papers, correspondence, and coins and in early 17th and 18th century tapestries.
43" Square x 30" High
Very rare Indian chair with carved faces in northwest coast style. Carved wooden snakes on the arms and Kachina faces on the upright posts. Seat lifts out for storage. American, circa 1900 to1910.
22" Wide x 22" Deep x 64" High